Friday, April 2, 2010

Veggie Rage

Hey everyone, did you know that Chef Boyardee has a full serving of vegetables?

Actually, Ragu does too!

Also providing alternative options for servings of fruits and vegetables are V8 and Fruit2Day.

Thank goodness our national nightmare of having to eat vegetables is over! It's hard to express what a nuisance it is to clean, prepare, cook, and then *actually chew* individual servings of vegetables. Overwhelming even.

Okay, maybe you are getting my sarcasm here, but I have a deep-seated rage against this new trend towards tricking people into consuming vegetables, "hiding" vegetables in other food vehicles, and designating fruit juice as a veggie allowance to get around the challenge of eating vegetables. What it comes down to is that I don't get it. Am I that much of a freak that I really enjoy vegetables? I like them raw, steamed, grilled, sauteed. I like them as a side dish, snack or main meal. I like them on a house and with a mouse... and okay, you get it.

But my point is that vegetables can be such an enormous pleasure precisely because of the variety of options that they afford (as opposed to pasta and sauce, pre-packaged by Ragu and Chef Boyardee, that scream bordeom and monotony to me).

So in order to tackle this "anti-veggie" rage, I will be posting about my veggie love affairs, and I figured why not tackle one of the most maligned veggies first?
Yes, I am talking about Brussels Sprouts!

Brussels Sprouts are a vegetable that when cooked certain ways, can be very unpleasant- mushy, overly bitter, gas-inducing...
However, there are many ways of preparing these sprouts that shine the light on their best qualities. My favorite way to cook them is incredibly simple: Cut in half, toss in olive oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper. Cook in the oven at 400-425 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

It really is that simple; the brussel sprouts I prepared the other night, pictured here, were especially small, and so didn't take as long as the typical 40-45 minutes, but they cooked up delightfully, tender on the inside and crisp on the outside.

I know there are other delicious ways to cook Brussels sprouts; some include blanching them first, which tends to cut down on the "bitter factor" that is usually cited in the case against Brussels sprouts. I also know there are recipes out there that call for sauteeing them in bacon grease, and I promise to execute on that and see how it goes. So, eat your veggies! They are tasty!


  1. I could not agree more.. I grew up with my mom boiling whole brussels sprouts and they were my most hated vegetable. Come to find out if you slice and roast them, they caramelize and are DELICIOUS.

  2. I can confirm that maple syrup, garlic, and a little bit of bacon do wonders for people who normally wouldn't touch brussels sprouts.

  3. Just found your blog and I completely agree--real vegetables are so much better than the kind that are "hidden"! I think the trend of preparing mushy, overcooked, bland vegetables in the 50s and 60s is so sad, since so many delicious vegetables have such a bad reputation now. Anyway, great job.

  4. Hi, found you on twitter. Love your blog! So I had to write because I saw your tweet today that lead me to this recipe. Just today I posted a recipe on brussels sprouts and I feel like I'm seeing them all over the net today.

    Love that you roasted them. I wish I had known how great they are roasted when I was younger. I recently made a batch in the oven and I fell in love. I used to always just have them pan fried with bacon. But roasting takes the cake!!!

    I posted a recipe that you might like.
